Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) PAGE

CAB Meetings

Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of every month at 7 PM on Zoom. All Members are welcome to attend! Please contact our Chapter President if you plan to attend or if you need the CAB Meeting link.


We are ALWAYS in need of any help our members can offer. If you are able to volunteer for a board position or lend a hand on a committee please contact our Chapter President.

CAB Members

Elected Officers

President: Beverly Betz

1st Vice President: Kendra Mochel

2nd Vice President: Dianna Kelly

Secretary: Gianna LoMonico

Treasurer: Donna Reed


Committee Chairs

Membership: Kendra Mochel

Newsletter: Beverly Betz

Neighborhood Group Coordinator: Irma Colabrese

Community Service Chair: Dianna Kelly